Sunday, December 23, 2012

double speak baseball

the spice girls song "the lady is a vamp"
could easily be sung by the sex pistols.
it's the same with any song.
take any lyrics and
turn them into rage or sap.

words are empty.
it's us humans who give them so much meaning.
for crying out loud,
ooooogah boooogah worked for how many cave man years?
we're not that civilised.


i grew up or grew down listening to bob uecker.
i grew all around and stopped believing so much in science
or numbers or fancy explanations
and settled in for a good story.
it didn't and still doesn't matter if it's true.
i'll take imagination over facts any day.

i  knew one person other than my grandpa
who used double talk to confuse prom queens
and that was bob uecker spinning  milwaukee brewer yarns,
but then i met whip willis.

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